Immigration Adult Dependent Relative

Adult Dependent Relative

The category of an Adult Dependent Relative is applicable to certain family members of British and settled sponsors who wish to join their sponsors as their dependents. The applicants would need to demonstrate that they require personal care and assistance to do day-to-day tasks as a result of age, illness, disability. The guidance defines “personal care” as requiring assistance with everyday tasks such as washing, cooking or dressing and they would also need to demonstrate that the level of care they require is not obtainable in their home country for reasons of availability or affordability.

Since the changes made by the Home Office in 2012 to the Immigration Rules the criteria to be met in the Adult Dependent Relative category are very onerous with a requirement to provide substantial evidence in support of the application. Evidence of the family relationship between the applicants and the sponsors should take the form of birth or adoption certificates. Applicants would also be required to provide independent medical evidence such as reports to confirm that as a result of age, illness or disability the applicants cannot perform everyday tasks and require long term personal care. The application must be made online and a fee is applicable. The applicants would be required to attend the visa application centre in their country of residence to enrol their biometric information.

Vestra Lawyers have experience in dealing with these cases and understand the emotional aspect of trying to bring over a loved one that desperately needs care that could only be provided by family members in the UK. Our lawyers have been assisting individuals throughout Birmingham, the UK and globally with Adult Dependent Relative applications along with other asylum, immigration and nationality matters for a combined period of 20 years.

Call us today on 0121 728 5999 / 0203 929 5999, or email us on to discuss your immigration case with a highly trained and skilled lawyer. Our friendly team are here to help you from your first point of contact until your case is concluded. Do not hesitate to get in touch today so that we can help you.


adult dependant relative